Rose Hill’s Statement on the Murder of George Floyd:
The death of George Floyd and the anguished civic protests in the past few days have reminded us once again that we are a fallen people (Romans 3:23). Racism, hatred, and injustice have prevailed in a place where love for one another is needed. As a fallen people, we lean toward our sinful human natures and forget about the plight of our neighbors and those around us.
Rose Hill Alliance Church is committed to living out our mission: Love God, Love People, Make Disciples. We believe that all people, regardless of race or ethnicity, are uniquely created in God’s image, and God commands us to love one another. We echo Jesus’ prayer for unity in John 17, and we long for the day that Revelation 7:9 is a reality: “After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb.”
Until then, we pray for the family and friends of George Floyd, that his memory, and that of many Black and Brown men and women who have lost their lives because of systemic and structural racism, should serve as a catalyst for change and spur us all to action. We pray for our community, our leaders, and our nation. We mourn with our brothers and sisters of the Black community as well as others who suffer injustice. We pray for healing in our cities. We stand against racism and marginalization of Black, Indigenous and other people of color (BIPOC). We seek to listen in order to understand how we can have systems, policies, interactions, and experiences that acknowledge and value every human being regardless of race and ethnicity. We continue to learn how we can be the hands and feet of Jesus in our community. We strive to be a church family who loves God, loves people, and makes disciples.